Archivos para 12 junio 2014

When olive oil expires?

Olive oil, unlike wine, will deteriorate over time, mainly oxidized, being able to get so stale, common negative character olive oil if not properly preserved.

It can be said that adequate working time rather than expiration depends on several factors:

Olive variety

 Normally varieties with more oleic acid, are more stable, and therefore remain in good condition longer, an example may be the Picual, typical variety of Jaén. (Can have up to two years of preferential consumption)

However, other varieties like «Arbequina», oil transferred to a different, less fruity, less bitter and less pungent flavor than the previous range, but that if, with aromas of ripe fruit normally. This variety usually has less stable oils and therefore should consume before. (May have year and a half of minimum durability).

It is very important as I noted at other times, the correct storage of extra virgin olive oil, both in stores and in homes.

Keep in dark containers if possible, isolated from light and tightly closed, lest they ContactTecofit oxygen and prevent oxidation and later, rancidity.

The ideal storage temperature is about 18-19 ° C, and to the extent possible, should be kept in a place without sudden changes in temperature.

The container must be glass or tins.

They keep away from places with strong odors, as olive oil easily absorbs foreign odors, damaging properties of aroma.

Although the oil should not be transferred to another container original, if done always use clean containers. If the container remains of previous oil should be cleaned well, as it may become rancid.

 Olive oil type

 Of course you have to take into account that olive oil «Extra Virgin» has more stability and thus longer than the plain olive oil preferred consumption.



Olive oil extra virgin usually retain all their nutritional and organoleptic properties up to one year after collection generally, except in some varieties that have something more or something less, as I have mentioned before, but after that time, the oil still can be consumed without any health risk.

The expiration date means that once exceeded the date printed on the product, it may cause damage to our health. If it has reached the specified date, therefore, the product should not be consumed. The label read «date» followed by the date with day and month appears.

Instead the best before date indicates that the product does not offer the full premium should offer. You may have lost some of their qualities or may not be entirely satisfactory. This means they can be altered organoleptic characteristics (smell, taste, ..). The label on the legend «best before …» followed by the date with day, month and year or a year.

All olive oils should carry into the labeled tag, best before date.

You have to consume before date consumer to tell us the packer, it is that we can ensure the proper status. All factory of olive oil should be labeled with the date of the campaign to which olive oil belongs.


Does olive oil can rot?

Olive oil could become rancid, does not rot.


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